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Free From the Power of Rejection

Feb 13 pic4// Kate McVeigh

Isaiah 53:3 reminds us that Jesus experienced rejection so that we could experience victory over it! Isaiah let us know that Jesus would be a man so familiar with rejection during His life on earth that He would come to understand sorrow and pain. But, like Jesus, we have been given the supernatural ability to overcome rejection and live in freedom!

Rejection begins with a seed planted—often at a very early age—and sometimes by those who should care most about us. It can wound our emotions. Yet we have to keep in mind as born-again believers that the Holy Spirit lives in us to strengthen and comfort us.

My personal experience with rejection set the stage for some very uncomfortable growing-up years. I felt as though no one really liked me because I had been tagged a slow learner and sent to special-education classes beginning with fifth grade. I was the brunt of such painful teasing that I developed an overwhelming inferiority complex.

Least Likely to Succeed

I grew to expect rejection from people, and all of my expectations were met. I was actually voted "Least Likely to Succeed" out of my class of more than 600! On that occasion, I went home and ran to my bedroom sobbing. I blurted out to God, "If You don't do something fast, I'm going to kill myself!"

God was already in the process of doing something. At age 16, I was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt as if a great burden had been lifted off my shoulders. The depression and fear that had oppressed me for so long were gone!

“He is despised and rejected of men.”

—Isaiah 53:3

As I began to study the Word of God, I realized that He loved me as His own beloved child. I discovered that He believed only good things about me, and that He had blessed me with gifts, talents, and abilities uniquely my own. I began to defeat the devil's lies with the truth of God's Word about me. And I made a conscious decision to see myself the way God sees me.

Conquering Intimidation

You see, we can become so intimidated that we begin to think there must be something terribly wrong with us. We can develop the idea that we're unacceptable and unsuitable for anyone or anything. We actually reject ourselves because someone else rejected us!

To overcome these negative thoughts, we must recognize their source. John 10:10 confirms that it is the thief (Satan) who comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. God is not the author of turmoil or the creator of rejection. Jesus came to give us abundant life.

Once we correctly identify the source of rejection, we must align our thoughts and words with God's Word. We should avoid saying negative things about ourselves such as, "I can't do anything right," "I'm just stupid," or "I look awful." Remember what Proverbs 23:7 says: "As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he."

No Rejection Here!

Speak good things to yourself about yourself. God's Word says great things about you. Believe them! Stand in front of a mirror and declare that you are a servant of God, acceptable to Him, and approved of men (see Romans 14:18).

Tell yourself, "I am not a mistake. God loves me. He's happy with me. He has a good plan for my life. He thinks wonderful things about me, and they're all true! By faith, I will fulfill my purpose on earth."

I believe Satan works overtime on his powerful weapon of rejection because he knows it can paralyze us. As Christians, we then will be of little or no effect, and that's exactly what he wants.

But we don't have to receive rejection. God is faithful, and when we believe the truth of His Word, our minds will be renewed (Rom. 12:2), and we'll get beyond our own opinion of ourselves.

Take inventory of the issues you're facing and deal with them. As God's blood-bought child, you don't have to let old patterns and negative circumstances affect your walk
with Him.

When you really know who you are in Christ, you don't have to spend your time trying to prove your worth. You can experience for yourself the peace and contentment that come from God alone. Remember, He loves you so much that He gave His own son to conquer intimidation and rejection once and for all! Through your faith in Jesus Christ, you can be secure in who you are in Him.
[Editor's Note: Kate McVeigh is a Rhema graduate and traveling minister.]