
Kindle the Flame Review

WOF 12 12 Pic5Inspiring. Motivating. Energizing. Refreshing.

These are just a few of the words ladies used to describe Lynette Hagin's 2012 Kindle the Flame® Women's Conference. Women from around the U.S. and the world gathered September 27–29 on the Rhema campus for some girl time and God time. And they weren't disappointed! Not only did they have fun fellowshipping with one another during luncheons and workshops, but they were built up in their walk with God during five unforgettable services. "God ministered in awesome ways—even during the announcements," Lynette Hagin exclaimed. "And we are more determined than ever to go light our world!"

 "Unbelief is the road to missing God. The children of Israel watched God for 40 years in the wilderness and received His goodness. They didn't have to shop for clothes or food. But even after 40 years of this, God was grieved because of their unbelief and the Israelites could not enter into His rest (Heb. 3:7–11). God is looking for someone to believe Him and take Him at His Word. You have to mix faith with the Word of God in order to get the blessings of God. He can only bless you when you operate in belief."
// Donna Pickens

"God has always moved in political arenas. In the Bible, Daniel was one of the three presidents of the whole region of Babylon. The other presidents and princes grew jealous of Daniel and made a law that no one could pray to anyone but the king for 30 days. Daniel knew the law, but kept talking to God, so they threw him in the lion's pit. But the Lord sent His angels and closed the mouths of the lions. God is still moving today in political arenas. He is raising up young people with excellent spirits—Daniels and Danielles in our generation."
// Susan Rich

"There are some projects God gives that require perseverance in prayer. And if we don't have perseverance, we won't see the desired effect. We'll get to the middle of something, but we won't get to the end where the glory is. We have to just relentlessly go after it until we see His glory manifested in the nation. The glory of God on a nation is seen when His will is being done in the people of the nation. That's our agenda—to pray for our cities and the people of our cities. We must relentlessly pray for a move of God."
// Patsy Cameneti



Don't Stress
//Lynette Hagin
Stress and worry have become a way of life for many people. We've become so accustomed to absorbing stress that we don't realize how stressed we really are. Someone once said, "Worry is the interest you pay on troubles that seldom come." It's been estimated that 40 percent of what we worry about never happens.
You may not realize it, but worry is faith in the negative. It's belief in defeat. Worry actually breeds in an environment of insecurity and uncertainty. But when we eliminate the conditions of insecurity and uncertainty, faith will win out over worry.
So many times we worry about our needs being met. Jesus said if we would seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all of these other things would be added unto us. (See Matthew 6:25–34.) Instead of worrying, we need to seek the Lord.
The Apostle Paul is one of the greatest examples of someone who refused to worry. No matter what he went through, he said, "I always triumph in Christ" (2 Cor. 2:14). We can follow his example by doing the following:

  1. Rejoice in the Lord. Sing songs of praise to your Deliverer. He will bring you out of every situation.
  2. Develop an "unanxious" attitude. Do not allow yourself to be anxious about anything.
  3. Develop a lifestyle of prayer. Pray so much that worry has to take a number and stand in line.
  4. Learn to cast your care on the Lord. When the devil asks what you're going to do now, tell him, "I'm casting all my cares on the Lord. And I'm going to rejoice in Him!"
  5. Learn to trust in the Lord. Don't try to figure it out on your own. Trust, trust, trust God.

As we follow these five steps, we will drive fear out of our lives and our worries will become less and less. The peace of God will fill our hearts and minds and we'll walk on through to victory.