

Let Us Remember . . .

AugWOF copy-58//Kenneth W. Hagin

Certain events throughout history have so impacted our lives that they will be forever engraved on our memories. December 7, 1941, the day on which Pearl Harbor was attacked, is "a date which will live in infamy," as President Franklin D. Roosevelt so aptly said. I was 2 years old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. I don't remember the attack, but I do remember my parents and grandparents being upset.




I vividly remember November 22, 1963, the day on which John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I was in the Army, stationed on Quemoy Island in a communications center that was literally hewn out of a rock. At 11 o'clock at night, a teletype message came across that said our commander in chief was dead. I was about to type, "Quit kidding," when I received a second message from someone else stating the same thing. That's when I realized it must be so.

And finally, the horrific September 11, 2001, attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. We don't really know where the fourth plane was headed. Some say the White House; others say the Capitol.

One of the distressing aspects of the 9/11 crisis was that it revealed our country's relationship with God. Immediately after the attack, churches across America were packed. Attendance, however, only spiked for a few weeks. By November, it was back to business as usual. George Barna, who keeps track of church statistics, said, "The fact that we saw no lasting impact from the most significant act of war against our country on our own soil says something about the spiritual complacency of Americans."

This is why it is so important that we never forget to pray for our country and its leaders. Our nation is at a critical time in its history, and prayer is what will turn it around.

Isaiah 62:6 (Amplified)
6 I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will never hold their peace day or night; you who [are His servants and by your prayers] put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silence.

Now more than ever we need to take that verse to heart and, like the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, continually put God in remembrance of His promises.

I believe that we are living in the last days. These are perilous times, and we are going to see more and more things happen. What are we going to do? Are we going to step up and take our place? Are we going to accept our assignment to pray? It's up to us to take the spiritual armor that we've been given and do battle against the enemy of God—the devil himself.

We must fight the good fight of faith and stand against the forces of Satan, the original terrorist. As we do our part and pray, the forces of darkness will be pushed back, the last-day revival will take place, and our Lord and King will return.

Prayer Points
Make it a point this year to pray for those in authority in our nation. Pray for these people and events:
» President
» Congress
» Supreme Court
» State & Local Officials
» Military
» Intelligence Agencies
» Upcoming Presidential Election