
Words Fitly Spoken

Words//Kenneth W. Hagin

Whenever I drove my children to school when they were little, before they got out of the car, I always said, “Daddy loves you, Jesus loves you, and you can be whatever you want to be.” I did this because I know that words are containers and that they can make an impact on others. Words filled with love, joy, peace, and encouragement can lift a person up, while words filled with doubt, unbelief, jealousy, and hatred can destroy an individual.

A biting, stinging word spoken to someone in the morning will rob that person of his or her efficiency all day long. On the other hand, an uplifting word can carry that same individual to new heights. In essence, words create the world we live in. They carry us either to success or failure.

There’s no doubt that what others say about us impacts us. But equally important are the words that come out of our mouths. What we consistently say can affect us positively or negatively.

Creating My World

Make this confession daily to start building a highway toward a bright future:

My future is in my words. I will walk in God's bright future for me by speaking the right words.

I'm calling those things that do not exist as though they do.

I maintain a constant confession of faith, I obey God's Word, and I will see what God has promised in His Word come to pass in my life.

Instead of sickness, I have health. Instead of poverty, I have wealth. I declare the Word, and I live in line with it.

To learn more about the importance of our words, check out the topic Confession in our online Study Center:

Electricity is carried by wires. But on occasion wires get crossed and cause a short circuit. When this happens, sparks begin flying, breakers start tripping, and sometimes even light bulbs start popping!

Speaking wrong words is like crossing electric wires. We cause things to happen that we don’t want to happen. But when we speak right words, we release the power of God to operate in our lives.

Say What?

Let me ask you, what have you been saying lately? Some people talk about how tired they are and how broke they are. These things may be true, but if we will say what the Word of God says, they will change.

Whenever we speak God’s Word, we release the power of God to operate in our lives. But if we speak the opposite of what is written in Scripture, we stop God’s power from working for us. One thing is certain: whatever we are saying today is what we will get in the future.

Some people never obtain what God has planned for them because they aren’t speaking the right words. Proverbs 6:2 says that we are snared by the words of our mouths. And whether we like it or not, we are living in line with what we are saying.

If we continually say things like, “I can’t. I never do anything right. I always mess up,” that is exactly what we’ll get. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” we need to say, “I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13 NKJV). Instead of saying, “Everybody’s against me,” let’s say, “No weapon formed against me will prosper” (Isa. 54:17).

Our mouths should be filled with what the Word of God says. We should be saying things like, “God always gives me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57). “I always triumph in Christ” (2 Cor. 2:14). “I always have more than enough money to meet all of my needs and to sow generously into the Kingdom of God” (2 Cor. 9:8). “No illness can prevail in my life because the stripes of Jesus have healed me from all sickness and disease” (1 Peter 2:24). When we talk like this, our lives and personal situations will turn around.

Changing Our World

We hold the power to change our lives through the words we speak. Through our words, we are building a road over which we will travel to our destiny. If we speak negatively and contrary to the Word of God, that road will take us away from what God has promised us. But if we continually speak in line with the Word, our highway will lead to an abundant life filled with peace, prosperity, health, deliverance, and every other blessing.

Our talk always precedes our walk. So let’s make up our minds to speak only words of life—words that will bring the good things of God to us—words that will pave a road to our God-given destiny.