

Kindle the Flame 2011

Kindle the Flame

Lynette Hagin’s Kindle the Flame® Women’s Conference keeps getting better and better. Women from across the U.S. and as far away as Norway, Germany, Zambia, and Australia came to be refreshed and recharged. And they weren’t disappointed. Lynette encouraged the women to let go of baggage—the weights and bondages that keep them bound. All of the speakers’ messages dovetailed perfectly with each other to create a totally unforgettable experience for everyone who came. Ericka McCrutcheon“When God brings you out, He will give you instruction and provide you with favor. When God operates, favor is on your life, favor is not fair. It doesn’t have anything to do with fairness. It’s the hand of God on you and nobody can stop you. God is faithful to provide for you and give favor and instructions that will set you on the right course. And when He puts that favor and instruction on you, there is nothing that anyone can do about it. You walk in it and don’t apologize for it.” Ericka McCrutcheon


“There are words that have tripped us up: Heaven being up and earth being down. We’ve thought the things we need from God are way up and we’re way down. And I’m like, ‘God, all that stuff you’ve got up there, I need it down here.’ And if you’re thinking that way, I want to tell you—you don’t know Jesus. You’ve got to anchor yourself to what He already accomplished for you on the cross. Because if you’re still reaching way up here, you don’t know what He did way back there.” Anne Durant

Cameneti“Every area of our lives is planted in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ—in His first coming. But for our lives to sing, for our lives to have the purpose God has ordained, there must be another fixing of every single one of those areas in the second coming of the Lord. Then we have a purpose for our finances, a purpose for our healed bodies, a purpose for our families. There’s a purpose for our lives, because Jesus is coming again! Hook up to that fact!” Patsy Cameneti

As the women headed home, they left changed and on fire. Not only did they want to “kindle the flame” in their family and friends—they also wanted to start some brush fires! And many were already looking forward to and making plans to attend Kindle the Flame 2012, which will be held September 27–29.

Kim from Oklahoma City has attended KTF for the past eight years. She summed up the conference this way: “Me and my mom and my sister have committed to come every year for the rest of our lives. We feel like God wants us here. God began a good work in us here, and I believe that He will finish the work in us. As long as we keep coming back, I know we’ll get what we need!”

Get Rid of Your Baggage!

//Lynette Hagin

At one time or another we’ve all dealt with baggage in our lives. It doesn’t matter who we are—life isn’t perfect. We experience disappointments, failures, deceptions, and ugly situations. In the midst of these difficult times, whether we realize it or not, we start accumulating baggage.

Sometimes we don’t realize the baggage we’re carrying because we’ve become so accustomed to it. It’s just a part of our lives. But when we carry baggage, it keeps us from fulfilling God’s plan for us. Baggage prevents us from having the joy of the Lord in our hearts. It keeps us in bondage.

We’ve got to get rid of that baggage! Things are gearing up in the spirit realm, and we have a race to run. We have assignments from God, and the only way we’re going to accomplish them is to kick the baggage out the door! Look at what the Book of Hebrews tells us.

HEBREWS 12:1–2 (NLT)
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us STRIP OFF EVERY WEIGHT that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

In these days we must lay aside every weight—anything that loads us down or, in other words, the baggage.

What’s weighing you down today? What’s keeping you from moving forward—from running your race? Maybe it’s disappointments, hurts, fear, or worry. Perhaps you’ve experienced rejection, abuse, or low self-esteem. It could even be frustration, sickness, or lack. Whatever it is, now is the time to throw away all of that baggage! Take it to the Lord and reach into His “provision bag” to receive what you need from Him.

He’s got grace for those disappointments, comfort for those hurts, love for fear, and peace for worry. He’s got reconciliation, restoration, high self-esteem, patience, health, provision, and joy unspeakable!

Jesus already took all of our baggage for us! But we’ve got to accept what He did and receive it! It’s time to get rid of that baggage for good and let God use you!