
Heart to Heart

hearttoheartRemember . . .

On September 11, 2001, the world woke up to one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the United States of America. At 8:46 a.m. a commercial airliner crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City. At 9:03 another airliner crashed into the other tower. Shortly after 9:30 a.m. a plane crashed into the Pentagon, and at 10:03 a fourth plane crashed in a field near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, apparently before it could accomplish its deadly mission. Thousands of people lost their lives in this terrible attack on our land.

Why did America suffer such a horrendous attack from our enemies? I believe the biggest reason we were attacked on 9/11 is that through the years and centuries, we have been a beacon of light for the Gospel. And the people who live in darkness want to stop that light—the blessed gospel light that shines on this country from shore to shore.

Of course, many attacks have come against America since it was founded, but none have succeeded. The United States of America still stands for freedom and democracy today, just as it did when our forefathers established this nation. And as long as there are Christians in America who will pray for our country and its leaders, we will continue to stand!

God did not cause the tragedy of 9/11. But because it happened, the Church must rise up and move in  power and demonstrate the love of God to the world. We must reach out with a helping hand to those around us who are wounded and broken. We must also pray that the hatred that has been unleashed against our nation will continue to be contained and shut down. Above all, we must remember, no matter what attacks may come, that America is alive and well and always will be—as long as God’s people will humble themselves and pray (2 Chron. 7:14)!

We have put together a great issue for you. My father taught me faith and I taught my children faith. And this month, you can learn about faith from three generations of our family. I also share with you concerning the abundance God wants all of us to experience. And you don’t want to miss Craig’s article about what to do when things aren’t going well.