

Heart to Heart

Kenneth W. HaginNot Just Words

//Kenneth W. Hagin

Do you remember the word God gave to Abraham—“Your descendants shall be as numerous as the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky”? (See Gen. 22:17.) Those were not just words. They were words from Heaven. And they were full of God’s miracle-working power!

Every time Abraham looked up into the night sky, he was reminded of God’s promise. The condition of his own body and the deadness of his wife Sarah’s womb had no effect on him whatsoever. Romans 4:3 says, “Abraham believed God. . . .” And after many years of waiting, the promise became a reality when his son Isaac was born.

Many people start out believing God, but when the answer doesn’t come in the next 30 minutes or the next few days, they begin to ask cautiously skeptical questions. Because of outside pressures and natural circumstances, we have all allowed ourselves to ask such questions. But we need to plunge into the promises of God with abandonment!

What do I mean by that? When some people go swimming, they put their toe in the water to see if it’s warm enough for them.  But I’ve always just jumped in! It’s going to be the same temperature whether you put your foot in or your whole body in.

That’s the way a lot of people are with the promises of God. They sort of poke around the edges. But as with swimming, to get the benefits, we can’t just stick our foot in. We’ve got to plunge in! When the pressure is on—when lack, sickness, or impossibility stare us in the face—we need to plunge into the promises of God.

Remember, these words from the Bible are not just some ancient history lesson. They’re not just nostalgic memories or a crutch for the weak. These words, these promises, are words from Heaven. They’re words from the Living God!

And every time we read these words, we should look upon them as Spirit and life. We should look upon them as full of power—as words from our Heavenly father—and we should realize that these words are God speaking to us today!