

Keep A Tender Conscience


// Kenneth E. Hagin

TimeLess Teachings

Does the Holy Spirit condemn you if you do wrong as a Christian? No. It is your spirit that condemns you (1 John 3:20). You need to learn that. It's a hard lesson to learn, however, because we have been taught incorrectly The Holy Spirit will not condemn you. Why? Because God won't. Study what the Holy Spirit through Paul wrote in the Epistle to the Romans. He asked, "Who is it that condemns? Does God condemn? No, it is God that justifies" (Rom. 8:33–34).  Read more...


Romans 4:20 (NIV) says that Abraham “did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.” Many years ago my father, Kenneth E. Hagin, wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible, “God said it; I believe it; and that settles it.” Abraham had this same attitude, and we need to grab hold of it too. No matter how bad our situation looks, our victory is found in God’s promises and in never letting go of what our Heavenly Father has said.
Don’t Be Double-Minded
Often today believers affirm their faith publicly, but when they are by themselves, they begin to question God. They wonder if He can really help them. The moment they start doubting, they begin wavering in their faith.
The Bible is very clear about the danger of wavering.
James 1:6–7 (NIV)
6 When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Faith does not look at circumstances, and it doesn’t regard feelings. It stays completely focused on God’s Word. Unfortunately, some people allow their situations and feelings to “speak” louder than Scripture.
Some people lose their healing because they stop looking at the Word and focus on what’s going on in their body. It’s dangerous to do this, because before long they will start talking wrong. They’ll begin to say things like, “I thought I was healed. I guess I lost my healing.”
When we start talking like that, we throw out our healing and open the door for the devil and all of his junk to come back in. If we would just stand strong on the Word, every symptom would leave.
Look to the Word
Anytime the enemy bombards your mind with his lies, you must counter those lies with the Word of God. When lack rears its ugly head, read what God said about prosperity. When sickness impacts your body, meditate on healing scriptures. When fear invades your life, find peace scriptures to read. When impossibilities stare you in the face, the Word holds your answer.
Reading God’s promises keeps us focused on them instead of on the distractions that are sent to prevent us from receiving what God has for us. When facing the impossible, we can’t afford to look at whatever is coming against us.
Start Talking


Activating the Power

on off switch



No matter what we're going through, we have to remember that God's power is greater than anything we're experiencing. Whatever we may face—from financial problems to health challenges to adversity of any kind—God's power is more than enough to change our situation. It's what causes us to be victorious.

Read more . . .


Romans 4:20 (NIV) says that Abraham “did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God.” Many years ago my father, Kenneth E. Hagin, wrote in the flyleaf of his Bible, “God said it; I believe it; and that settles it.” Abraham had this same attitude, and we need to grab hold of it too. No matter how bad our situation looks, our victory is found in God’s promises and in never letting go of what our Heavenly Father has said.
Don’t Be Double-Minded
Often today believers affirm their faith publicly, but when they are by themselves, they begin to question God. They wonder if He can really help them. The moment they start doubting, they begin wavering in their faith.
The Bible is very clear about the danger of wavering.
James 1:6–7 (NIV)
6 When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Faith does not look at circumstances, and it doesn’t regard feelings. It stays completely focused on God’s Word. Unfortunately, some people allow their situations and feelings to “speak” louder than Scripture.
Some people lose their healing because they stop looking at the Word and focus on what’s going on in their body. It’s dangerous to do this, because before long they will start talking wrong. They’ll begin to say things like, “I thought I was healed. I guess I lost my healing.”
When we start talking like that, we throw out our healing and open the door for the devil and all of his junk to come back in. If we would just stand strong on the Word, every symptom would leave.
Look to the Word
Anytime the enemy bombards your mind with his lies, you must counter those lies with the Word of God. When lack rears its ugly head, read what God said about prosperity. When sickness impacts your body, meditate on healing scriptures. When fear invades your life, find peace scriptures to read. When impossibilities stare you in the face, the Word holds your answer.
Reading God’s promises keeps us focused on them instead of on the distractions that are sent to prevent us from receiving what God has for us. When facing the impossible, we can’t afford to look at whatever is coming against us.
Start Talking


Excerpt from El Shaddai by Kenneth E. Hagin

El Shaddai"No!" I said. "I don't mind telling you, I'll  never have the Asian flu.”{/selflink}

An excerpt from the book El Shaddai by Kenneth E. Hagin

"I was preaching at a Full Gospel church in October 1957 when an epidemic of Asian flu hit Southern California. I picked up The Los Angeles Times and the headline said that 2 million people in Southern California had the Asian flu."


Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 Wrap Up

Article WBS 3Summing Up an Extraordinary Week

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015  was not "business as usual." For those who came or watched with open hearts, God, through His Spirit, working through able ministers of His Word, encouraged and challenged His people.

Messages Wednesday through Friday continued earlier themes: we are in the last days, the time is short, and we must keep our hearts and lives right so we can hear God's voice and do His work. Whether that work is prayer, sharing Jesus with others, or building up the Church, we must know the Holy Spirit and follow Him closely to be effective.


Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 (cont.)

Article WBS 2To Build Up, Challenge, and Comfort

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The Holy Spirit has been busy this week at Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2015 building up, challenging, and comforting this part of His Church. Through line-upon-line teaching each night, Kenneth W. Hagin has exhorted his hearers to prepare for Jesus Christ's return by staying with His Word. And Lynette Hagin has led believers in praying for the blazing fire of revival to thaw a frozen-over church.