

New Beginnings at Campmeeting 2014



Campmeeting 2014 was a time of breakthrough and new beginnings. It was a time for people to be refreshed in the Word and the Holy Spirit. Attendees from around the world received strength, healing, and direction for the future and experienced turnaround in their lives as never before! Here's a taste of what this year's Campmeeting attendees heard.

"God is always ready to do wonders among us. But if we're going to receive from Him, we've got to be ready. We put ourselves in position to receive. But we can't receive if we have unforgiveness in our hearts. We can't receive if we're full of doubt and fear. We must sanctify ourselves (Joshua 3:5). And we do that by reading, studying, and meditating on the Word until we're fully persuaded that God will do what He says. Then we'll be eligible receivers. We'll be prepared for Him to move with miracles in our midst." //Kenneth W. Hagin

"So what if you've failed. It's not about whether you've failed or not. It's about what you do after you fail. Get back on your feet, arise, and move into what God has for you." //Craig W. Hagin

"We have a right to believe God for everything He promised us in the redemptive work. Nothing is to be excluded. Nothing is so far-fetched that we cannot have it. All of it is available to every believer." //Charles Cowan

"Before you ever had a problem, Jesus made provision for you! So shake off the dust of the past. Arise and shine. You ain't seen nothin' yet! This is your hour. Your best days are right ahead of you." //Mark Hankins

"Don't let the devil fool you. Don't let circumstances and situations deceive you. If you have Jesus, you have everything you need to overcome the things in this life that will oppose you." //Steve Houpe

"It's time for you to move into doing what God said you could do. My mission this week is not only to get you to believe the impossible, but to get you to go out and do the impossible." //Darrell Huffman

"We pay so much attention to our outward appearance. But before God promotes us, He's going to check our heart. We must lay down unforgiveness and pride in order to run the race He has set before us." //Joel Sims

"It matters to God how you live. It matters what condition your life is in. You're a reflection of Him, and He wants to use you as a sign that displays His grace and goodness to the world." //Scott Webb



Summer Blitz & Rhema Kids

Campmeeting wasn't just for adults. This year at Summer Blitz, 6th-12th graders, learned how to be the bold champions God created them to be. They discovered that in Christ, they can have "overwhelming victory" no matter what they're facing in life (Rom. 8:37 NLT).

Elementary aged kids spent the week at Camp Courageous where they learned that they don't have to afraid. Through fun games and exciting Bible lessons they grabbed hold of an important Bible truth: "Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world" (1 John 4:4)!



Get the Messages!

It's not too late to be a part of Campmeeting 2014! Click here to watch archived messages online. Or visit rhema.org/store to purchase CDs, DVDs, and MP3s of all the services.

And be sure to save the date for Campmeeting 2015, July 19-24. We can't wait to see you there!

"It's time for you to move into doing what God said you could do. My mission this week is not only to get you to believe the impossible, but to get you to go out and do the impossible." //Darrell Huffman