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Winter Bible Seminar 2011 - Monday

Lynette HaginMonday, February 21. After having the congregation stretch at the beginning of the 8:30 a.m. service, Bill Ray ministered on “The Stretch of Faith.” He encouraged those in attendance to be flexible for God. “Stretch yourself,” he said. “It’s good for you to be uncomfortable every now and then. When you are stretched, you have to depend on the Lord!”

In the 9:30 a.m. session, Rick Fern encouraged his hearers to have a spirit of faith. Second Corinthians 4:13 says, “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (KJV). “We say what we believe,” Rev. Fern said. “In order to have a spirit of faith, you have to believe and you have to speak.”

“Trust in the Lord.” Those are the words Winter Bible Seminar’s Monday morning crowd heard over and over again as Lynette Hagin took the pulpit for the 10:30 service. She encouraged attendees to always walk in the steps God has ordered for their lives. Even when we don’t understand those steps and want to question where the Father is leading us, she said, we need to follow Him. When we walk in His plan and rely on Him—praying and hiding the Word in our hearts—He’ll put everything together for us, right on time!

Monday night, February 21. Adversity is no respecter of persons. At some time, everyone will experience it. Kenneth W. Hagin offered rousing words of encouragement to those buffeted by the winds of adversity. The enemy’s goal is to get us off course. He wants us to quit what God has told us to start. But in the midst of seeming failure, we must rise up and say, “I believe God.” Our victory is in the Word. And when we exercise our authority in Christ and put our foot on the neck of adversity, we will win every battle.