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Kindle the Flame 2015: Gearing Up for the Future

KTF Article 2Kindle the Flame is not your average women's conference. And the ladies who attend aren't average either. They come expecting to hear from God. They come expecting to receive His direction for their future. As ladies kept their expectation high this year, they got what they came for.

Throughout the three-day conference, ladies learned how to overcome every situation of life by taking baby steps with God. They discovered that peace should be the very foundation of all that they do. Women were also encouraged to love themselves, to see themselves the way God sees them. They learned to drink deeply of the rivers of God in order to move into His plans and purposes for their lives. And they took their places as members of God's special forces, armed with the Word, prayer, and Holy Ghost power. As Lynette Hagin told the ladies, "We are here on this earth for such a time as this! It's time for us to gear up."

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