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Winter Bible Seminar 2013 - Update 2

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Many people have come to Winter Bible Seminar 2013 expecting a move of God, and He has been honoring their expectations. Lynette Hagin is speaking at 10:30 a.m. all this week. Monday she focused on the importance of holding on to the foundational truths of God's Word. "This is our victory book," she said, "and we need to keep it before us at all times." The more grounded we are in biblical truths, the stronger we will be able to stand when adverse circumstances come. "I have never seen such battles as those that Christians are facing right now," she said, "but God will cause us to win them all."


Tuesday Mrs. Hagin focused on honor. God says much in His Word about this subject. For instance, He tells us to honor our parents (Exod. 20:12). Mrs. Hagin noted that there is a great need today for children to be taught this principle and to learn to respect those who are in authority. God also tells us, "Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king" (1 Peter 2:17). King in this verse can refer to anyone over a nation, including a president. Mrs. Hagin shared that the Lord reminded her strongly recently of the importance of honoring those in authority—whether or not we agree with their policies. She then led the congregation in impassioned prayer for our nation and our leaders. To conclude both the Monday and Tuesday services, Mrs. Hagin had times of Spirit-led prayer and personal ministry.

Kenneth W. Hagin ministered powerfully in the Spirit Monday and Tuesday evenings. Before the band ever struck a note, the Monday night crowd was expecting. They threw themselves wholeheartedly into the praise and worship, and as everyone sang about the Name of Jesus, a strong anointing filled the auditorium. The atmosphere was set as Kenneth W. Hagin took the stage for what would become a very pivotal night.

"You need to change your world," he told the crowd. But he went on to explain that the only way we'll do that is by getting a supernatural revelation from God of Who Jesus is, who God designed us to be, and who the Church really is. The answer for the world's problems today is the Church doing what God told us to do. God's time clock is ticking, and He is looking for a people to fulfill His plan. "We are so close to the end," he concluded. "And I'm not pulling back anymore!"

At the end of his message, Rev. Hagin shared a prophetic word, and then he stepped over into the Spirit. He said afterward that it was the first vision he had ever had. The Lord showed him the veil that separates Heaven from earth. It used to be thick. Now it is paper-thin, almost transparent. The time is very short before Jesus' return, he said.

Tuesday night, almost as soon as he stepped onto the Rhema stage, Kenneth W. Hagin was over in the Spirit. "We are entering the threshold of a greater glory than you've ever thought about," he said as the word of the Lord came forth. And we can't be afraid of the Holy Spirit's demonstration.

Still moving with the Spirit, Rev. Hagin moved into the crowd to minister to individuals. He called for those who had considered quitting the ministry to come forward and get a refreshing from God.

A sweet anointing and peace filled the auditorium, and as Lynette Hagin joined her husband on stage, people were being healed, burdens lifted, and relationships mended. But God wasn't done! The Hagins stood and worshiped together as everyone sang, "There's a sweet anointing flowing into this place." Rejoicing broke out throughout the auditorium and many people were set free from bondages that had held them back.
One remarkable bonus of attending Winter Bible Seminar is getting to hear ministry from Rhema Bible Training College instructors. Monday morning, Doug Jones defined faith and noted that it is to affect every area of our lives. Our faith must result in action if we want to see God's blessing. Faith without works, or action, is dead. Then Karen Jensen urged us to make a habit of encouraging ourselves in the Lord, even in good times. A time will come when we need to be encouraged and no one else will be there to do it. We should be happy and encouraged people. When we stay encouraged, we affect others.

Tuesday morning, Kirk DuBois reminded us that one great benefit of the New Covenant is that every believer can receive the power of the Holy Spirit, be led by the Spirit, and hear from God for himself. "Every believer can get direction in his own spirit for what God has for his own life," he said. Then Tad Gregurich reminded the Winter Bible Seminar crowd that there is power in the Name of Jesus. "We've been commissioned to do Kingdom business in the Name of Jesus," he said. As we speak that Name, we bring all of Heaven to bear on our life. The Name of Jesus is greater than every other name!

Winter Bible Seminar 2013 continues through Friday on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, with sessions at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. If you can't join us in person, be sure to join us live at [[www.rhema.tv]]. Keep expecting great things!