
Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Worldwide Homecoming Are Set to Begin!

wbs article inviteDo you need answers and direction in your life? Do you need to hear from God? Maybe you could just use some encouragement. If so, then Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Worldwide Homecoming is the place for you to be. This power-packed week of meetings begins Sunday, February 14, at 6:00 p.m. on the Rhema Bible Training College campus in Broken Arrow, OK. And it's not too late to attend!

Trust us . . . you do not want to miss this seminar. Guest speakers will share messages at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. followed by Lynette Hagin at 10:30. Kenneth W. Hagin will bring a special message each night. Homecoming events for the school's graduates will be held all week. And youth and children's services will be offered each evening for infants through 12th graders. God is going to do great things—for entire families!

Visit for all the details. Registration is free, so what are you waiting for? Get here, and watch God do amazing things in your life!