

Winter Bible Seminar Hotels

Gear Up For a Faith and Prayer-filled Week!

Winter Bible Seminar 2017

Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming Are Set to Begin!

Setting aside time to focus on God and hearing His direction for your life is priceless. Following through to do this can be challenging! Join us for Winter Bible Seminar 2017, a great place for the entire family to get refreshed in the Lord. Simply show up and hear from God in a powerful atmosphere of faith. This life-changing week of meetings begins Sunday, February 19, at 6:00 p.m. on the Rhema Bible Training College campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. It's not too late to register!


Kenneth W. Hagin will bring a special message each night. Lynette Hagin, along with guest speakers, will share in the mornings at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 a.m. WBS guests will have the opportunity to sit in on first- and second-hour RBTC classes. Homecoming events for Rhema alumni will also be held during the week. Youth and children's services will be offered each evening for infants through 12th graders. God is going to do great things—for entire families!


Do something special to launch yourself into the life you dream of living. You do not want to miss this seminar! Visit rhema.org/wbs for all the details. Registration is free, so what are you waiting for? Get here, and watch God do amazing things in your life!

We Can Rise From The Darkness That We've Been In—and Enter That New Day!

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// Kenneth W. Hagin

Are You Ready to Receive?

We all face a choice. We can be satisfied where we are, or we can choose to move to a new experience with God. We are still His people, no matter which direction we take. But we are the ones who decide whether we will enjoy all of His blessings.

I know that sometimes it can seem as if there is no way out of our situation. But look at what Second Corinthians 6:2 (NEB) says: "The hour of favour has now come; now, I say, has the day of deliverance dawned." The dawn of a new day is here! Dawn means a new beginning.

The Light of a New Day Has Come

 Dawn means the old darkness has faded away and the light of a new day has come. We can rise from the darkness that we've been in—the darkness of hardships, trials, tribulation, and all the other difficulties the devil is throwing at us. We can enter that new day!

It's time for us to wake up and realize that God is not only with us—He's ready to deliver us and set us free! He deals in abundance, and He is ready to bring us the maximum, superabundant, over-the-top blessing. He is always ready. The question is, are we ready to receive?

You see, it's up to us to take action and receive. In His Word, God has given us all the direction we need to receive His blessings. If we wait for Him to just drop the blessings on us, it will be too late. We must decide to go after them. Now is the time for us to believe God and speak His Word in order to receive the blessings He has for us!

If you are ready to receive, I encourage you to dig into your personal Bible reading with assistance of our web articles and devotionals.  Your sure to go higher in faith and spiritual victories as you dig deeper into His Word!

And remember, the reason we have any blessings to receive is that Jesus defeated the devil for us. He triumphed over him at the cross. God has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Navigating the Adventure of Life: A Call to Arms 2016

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 "The 2016 A Call to Arms Men's Conference was nothing short of amazing! For three days, men from around the world heard life-changing truths, uplifting messages, and experienced powerful times of worship. They gained tools to help them successfully sail the ocean of life and handle the wind and waves of adversity.

The fired-up men left better equipped to guide their marriages, children, finances, and careers. They also learned how to be a godly voice in government.

Here's a sample of what men experienced this year. Be sure to join us next year for A Call to Arms 2017, to be held November 2-4 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

A Call to Arms Speaker Highlights

Read more . . . 

A Call to Arms Men's Conference—Men: Get Here!

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"If you miss this event, you'll miss half your life," says Kenneth W. Hagin.

A Call to Arms Men's Conference happens Thursday-Saturday, November 3-5, on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. You can register at the door on Thursday November 3rd at 3:00 PM or preregister online until October 31st.

For three life-transforming days, men will discover the greatness that lies within them. They'll learn how to succeed in everything they put their hands to. And they'll leave better equipped to get back up whenever life knocks them down.


Speakers this year include Rev. Hagin and his son, Craig W. Hagin and special guest speakers Chip Brim and Steve Houpe. In between the main sessions, more great speakers will share 30-minute Power Talks on issues that matter to men--including finances, family, leadership, politics and more! And there will be great worship and time to hang out with the guys. Don't miss it!

Visit rhema.org/cta for more conference details!

Kindle the Flame 2016: Wonder Women

Article KTF 2Nearly 1,500 women from all over the world gathered in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, September 22-24 for Lynette Hagin's Kindle the Flame Women's Conference. They left the three-day meeting encouraged, strengthened, and changed.

Those at the conference learned that they can be "wonder women" when they trust in God's strength and keep the attitude of "I cannot be defeated and I will not quit!" Speakers encouraged the ladies to continue developing healthy connections with godly friends, live every moment in their God-given authority, and stay full of the Holy Ghost.

They also had a blast at the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun social. It truly was a remarkable three days! Kindle the Flame 2017 will be held September 28-30 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow.

Here's a taste of what the women experienced this year.

Kindle the Flame 2016 Speaker Highlights

"Our foundation must be established on Mark 11:22, "Have faith in God." We have to believe that God is and that He always will be. He has to be our number one priority in life." // Lynette Hagin

"You will never be able to do what God asks of you by yourself. God never gives out assignments small enough to be done without help." // Haley Schurz

"We have an amazing authority that has been given to us in Christ. We are to represent Him on the earth, and we can't do it without power." // Patsy Cameneti

"We are the glorious church; we're supposed to be full of the joy of the Lord. When our joy leaks out, so does our strength." // Brenda Thomas

"Go and bring the Good News to the prodigal sons and daughters that God is a God of restoration. Be His instrument to bring the prodigals back." // Lynette Hagin, Candlelight Prayer and Praise Service



Ladies: The Best 'Me Time'

Kindle the Flame Women's ConferenceBroken Arrow, Oklahoma. Lynette Hagin's Kindle the Flame is not your average women's conference. Women from all over the world come expecting to hear from God. They look forward to receiving His direction for their future and leaving energized and rejuvenated. And they come to have fun! This refreshing conference begins Thursday, September 22, at 7 p.m. on the Rhema USA campus. Session speakers include Lynette Hagin, Patsy Cameneti, Haley Schurz, and Brenda Thomas.

Trust us, ladies: If you miss this, you'll miss half your life! Register Today

"God has a plan for us ladies in these last days. But we can't fulfill those plans if we're worn out and stressed out. We must allow the Lord to direct our steps. We must see things from His perspective. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. And when we follow Him, we will not fall." // Lynette Hagin


Prayer: Our Spiritual Oxygen

planBy Rev. Lynette Hagin

Prayer is our spiritual oxygen, and just as oxygen is vital to our natural life, so prayer is vital to our spiritual life. We need to pray regularly and continually in order to live as God intended.

Each of us will face trying circumstances in life. We could never win a war without fighting some battles. We’re going to have trials, but in our trials we can build our faith. We do not have to be moved by the circumstances in our life. When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, He will take us from victory to victory.

Many people asked my husband and I how we made it after Brother Hagin went to Heaven. We made it by resting in the Lord Jesus Christ and by the prayers of the saints. We know that people all over the world were praying for us, and we know how powerful prayer is.

Brother Hagin was known for his strong prayer life. I used to watch him sit quietly in my office, not saying a word to me. But I could see his lips moving, and I knew he was praying in the Spirit. He prayed continually. And we need to pray continually, because prayer changes things!

God has called each and every one of us to pray! Christians are called to have a lifestyle of prayer. In Ephesians 6:18 Paul says, “Pray at all times—on every occasion, in every season—in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty” (Amplified Bible). Read More.

Campmeeting: A Phenomenal Week!

Rhema org FrontPageBroken Arrow, Oklahoma. The momentum and excitement at Campmeeting 2016 only continued to build. And as the week ended, those who attended left rejoicing in the Holy Spirit. They returned home full of the Word, full of faith, and better equipped to live victoriously in these last days!

Each session was powerful and anointed. Praise and worship lifted people into God's presence. Speakers taught and preached on the essentials of faith, the power of speaking God's Word, putting on God's armor, walking in Kingdom principles, and other topics. Those present were reminded that the supernatural power of God is the one thing that will enable them to live in victory in these times.

Campmeeting 2016 was a week like no other! If you missed this exciting time, you can watch archived services here. Or you can purchase and download MP3s of the messages here.

To order complete sets of CDs, DVDs, or MP3s (on a USB drive), please call Kenneth Hagin Ministries' Partner Services Department at 1-866-312-0972.

Save the date! Campmeeting 2017 will be held July 23-28 on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

The Spirit of Old-Time Camp Meetings Continues!

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Wow! What a great start to Campmeeting 2016! Energizing praise and worship. Times of refreshing in the Lord. Encouraging, uplifting preaching. Excitement in the Rhema Bible Church auditorium is so real that you can almost cut a slice out of it. And we're only halfway through the week!

In January of 1973 the Lord told Kenneth E. Hagin to hold a faith seminar and indoor camp meeting in the spirit of old-time outdoor camp meetings. And that pattern continues. Faith is taught in the morning, and the Holy Spirit is given free reign to move anytime, anywhere.

The week-long series of services began Sunday evening on a high note and momentum has been building. You don't want to miss out on what God will do for the rest of the week.

There's still time to get here. Campmeeting 2016 is taking place on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Services on Thursday and Friday are scheduled at 10:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. Visit rhema.org/cm for more details.

If you can't join us in person, you can still be a part of our online congregation.
Watch live at rhema.tv or on demand. Additionally, you can watch on Rhema's Roku channel.

Rhema Campmeeting Is Starting Soon!

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With Campmeeting 2016 less than a one week away, the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, is alive with excitement. The first service starts on Sunday, July 24, at 6:00 p.m. Don't miss out!

This is the kind of event where healings and breakthroughs take place. It's where people get answers and are set free from whatever has them bound.

Check out rhema.org/cm for all the details and service times. Also, share your excitement for Campmeeting 2016 on your favorite social media sites with #RhemaCM. Come ready . . . come expecting!

We're looking forward to seeing you here! But if you can't join us in person, you can still be a part. Watch live at rhema.tv or on demand. Or you can watch on Rhema's Roku channel.


Wow! What a Week!

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Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2016 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma—The Rhema family from across the U.S. and around the world came home February 14-19. What a glorious time of fellowship, refreshing, and impartation!

During the 8:30 and 9:30 morning sessions, directors and key team members of Rhema USA and international campuses preached. Every morning at 10:30, Lynette Hagin taught the congregation on prayer before leading them in times of powerful prayer for breakthrough and their nations. Each evening Kenneth W. Hagin finished out the day with timely messages on remembering the power of God's Word and understanding the day we live in.

Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Worldwide Homecoming Are Set to Begin!

wbs article inviteDo you need answers and direction in your life? Do you need to hear from God? Maybe you could just use some encouragement. If so, then Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Worldwide Homecoming is the place for you to be. This power-packed week of meetings begins Sunday, February 14, at 6:00 p.m. on the Rhema Bible Training College campus in Broken Arrow, OK. And it's not too late to attend!

Trust us . . . you do not want to miss this seminar. Guest speakers will share messages at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. followed by Lynette Hagin at 10:30. Kenneth W. Hagin will bring a special message each night. Homecoming events for the school's graduates will be held all week. And youth and children's services will be offered each evening for infants through 12th graders. God is going to do great things—for entire families!

Visit rhema.org/wbs for all the details. Registration is free, so what are you waiting for? Get here, and watch God do amazing things in your life!

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