

Winter Bible Seminar Hotels

Concert Review: Jesus Culture Inspires Believers to Love

Article JesusCulture KHM Pic

"Believer, change your family, your marriage, your school, and your city with God's love." That was the from-the-heart message that the Jesus Culture band shared during their March 20 concert at Rhema Bible Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. During the Christian group's night of worship and preaching, hundreds filled the auditorium to sing about God's unfailing love, mercy, and goodness. Many encountered God's presence and had their hearts touched by His love.

It was Jesus Culture's ninth stop in 13 days on their 10-city tour and their first time in Broken Arrow. Singer Chris Quilala opened the night with Awaken Me, a song inviting God to touch cities and fill His people with His glory. "A new day dawning; You are shining like the sun arising. You awaken me, You awaken me," Chris sang, as blue-and-white stage lights lit up the auditorium and the crowd sang along passionately. God was awakening their hearts.

Wow! What a Week! Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2014

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The Wednesday-through-Friday services at Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming provided a strong ending to a great week. Wednesday evening, Tad Gregurich, Dean of Rhema Bible Training College, began the service by inviting Dr. Steve Anderson of Transworld Accrediting Commission International to the platform. Dr. Anderson presented Kenneth and Lynette Hagin with a plaque honoring them for 40 years of excellence at the school.

In his Wednesday night message, Kenneth W. Hagin focused on another of Rhema's foundational values: possibility faith. Thursday night after a moving Parade of Nations ceremony he spoke about the global network the Rhema family has become.

In the 10:30 a.m. sessions Wednesday through Friday, Lynette Hagin continued her Heaven on Earth series. She shared on how to hear God's voice clearly. And she explained that as we listen to Him, we'll find our places in Christ's Body.

Those attending also heard uplifting, challenging messages from directors and key team members of Rhema international campuses. During those 8:30 and 9:30 morning sessions, the speakers' points dovetailed as they taught on faith, the importance of staying connected, and finding your place in the end-time harvest.

Friday night Craig W. Hagin closed out Winter Bible Seminar 2014 with a powerful healing service. He taught those present how to receive healing, then laid hands on the many who came forward.

You can watch archived WBS services online at vimeo.com/rhema/channels. Just click on Winter Bible Seminar 2014. Or you can purchase CDs, DVDs, or MP3s of the messages at Rhema.org/store. Under Events, click on Winter Bible Seminar 2014. 

Taking It Back to the Foundation: Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2014

Article WBS 2 PicWhat is Rhema really about? At this year's Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming, Kenneth W. Hagin is addressing that question head-on. Every night he's taking it back to the foundation and sharing the Bible basics that Rhema was built upon.

To kick off the week, Rev. Hagin explained the secret to strong faith. "Your faith won't work if you don't know how to walk in love," he said. He continued on Monday and Tuesday nights by sharing on the Name of Jesus and how to be led by the Holy Spirit. A number of people were saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit, and many received direction for the future.

In the 10:30 a.m. sessions, Lynette Hagin is explaining how we can experience Heaven on earth in our lives. And God is showing up in big ways. The anointing was so strong on Tuesday morning that attendees couldn't help but bow their heads and pray.

We're also experiencing powerful ministry times in the 8:30 and 9:30 morning sessions. Rhema Bible Training College directors and key team leaders from around the world are encouraging attendees to step out and do something for the Lord.

Don't miss any of the remaining services! If you can't join us in person, watch us live on rhema.tv.



Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2014 Is Happening Now

Article WBS 1 PicBroken Arrow, Oklahoma—Kenneth Hagin Ministries' Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming 2014 kicked off with a bang Sunday night! Hundreds of people from all over the world have converged on the Rhema USA campus to be part of this year's gathering. They're enjoying inspiring preaching and teaching, powerful worship, and great fellowship. And they're helping Rhema Bible Training College celebrate its 40th year.

Speakers include Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, and Rhema instructors from throughout the world.

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Worldwide Homecoming continues each day through Friday. Sessions begin at 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Registration is free! If you can't join us in person, watch the live webcast at rhema.tv. We're expecting great things! Are you?



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A message from Kenneth Hagin

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Living in Love

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By Kenneth E. Hagin

The Bible encourages us to let acquiring the love of God be our great aim and quest in life (1 Cor. 14:1 Amplified). There must be a reason why God wants walking in the God-kind of love to be a priority in our lives. Actually, there are wonderful benefits and good results that come when we walk in love.

Winning Souls for the Kingdom

Winning Souls//Lynette Hagin

“Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance.”
— Psalm 2:8

Many people today are lost and going to hell. But we have many exciting opportunities to tell them about Jesus. In fact, our first and foremost responsibility is to proclaim this wonderful Good News!

Where are we going to be witnesses? Wherever God takes us. Every day we come in contact with someone who doesn’t know Christ. Are we sensitive to listen to the voice of God and minister to these people? Or are we too busy to lend a helping hand and bring them in?

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3 Steps to a Closer Walk with God in the New Year


Walk Closer With God in New Year

The word sanctification means a dedication to seeking God and becoming more Christ-like while turning away from sin and a world-centered lifestyle. Sanctification is the process of pursuing God and becoming more like Jesus.

Here are 3 steps to help believers maintain the process of sanctification.

1. Put God's Word in Your Heart

Begin the sanctification process by putting God’s Word in your heart. Read it, believe it, study it, memorize it, think on it, and obey it. Start by establishing a time of daily Bible reading. Some Bibles provide a schedule to help you read through God’s Word in a year.

Prior to each reading, ask God to give you insight into His Word and thank Him in faith for doing so. Write down scriptures that the Holy Spirit quickens to you.

Campmeeting 2013: A Firm Foundation

KHM CampmeetingThose who came to Campmeeting 2013 had their passion, that fire on the inside, reignited as speaker after speaker encouraged them to get back to the foundation of God's Word. As they ran, danced, praised, and shouted, many received direction for the future. Lynette Hagin put her finger on it: everyone there experienced the deeper things of God. Even our children and youth learned to stand on the Word and be fearless in the midst of any situation.

Here's just a taste of what this year's attendees heard in our main services:

Got Vision?

Feb 13 pic3A Campmeeting Speaker Highlight

// Darrell Huffman

The Bible says that where there is no vision—no revelation of Jesus Christ and His will for our lives—people will perish or cast off restraint. What does that mean? It means that if we don't know the Lord and don't understand His plan for our lives, we'll live and act any way we please.

Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring Kenneth Hagin Ministries

//Kenneth W. Hagin

4th of July — A True Celebration

We in the United States celebrate Independence Day during the month of July. All across the country, people enjoy parades, picnics, flag waving, and fireworks to commemorate the day. But these things only serve to remind us that we live in a country where we have the privilege of being free.

I'm proud that I'm an American. I thank God for the freedom we have in this great land. But our freedom didn't come without a cost. The price for our freedom was the shedding of precious American blood.

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When the Spirit Leads You to Pray--Pray!

Article 1 Pic 8// Kenneth E. Hagin

I want to share with you one particular experience from my life of a time when I was led by the Holy Spirit to pray. Back in 1979, we began holding Prayer and Healing School on the RHEMA campus. The musicians would sing a little bit, and we’d take up an offering. Then, they would turn the service over to me. Often, I would stay in a room by myself and pray before coming out to take over the service.